

We've been back from Hawaii for about 3 weeks...and I can't wait to go back! I'm pretty sure all my posts so far have been black & white. I may have to break that tradition as I post more from this amazing trip!


So excited...!

This old warehouse (that I drive by everyday) is being demolished. Yesterday the old ads painted on the back wall caught my eye, & today I got a change to investigate it a bit. It was so very cold and snowing, but I got some decent shots. I'll post the shots from this afternoon over the next few days, but hope to stop back another day this week & try to get a little closer!


I'm back!

I apologize for the lack of posts! I have several sessions I've not posted pictures of, and will try to get all those posted this week. I'm also going to make another 365 attempt... better late than never, right? So, here goes...